4 Contoh Menulis Ringkasan Profil di LinkedIn Jadi Menarik

Menulis ringkasan profil pada website seperti linkedIn bisa dibilang susah-susah gampang. Sudah ketika kita enggak tau apa yang mau kita nulis tapi gampang kalau kita tau apa yang harus ktia tulis. Ringkasan profil bisa dibilang penting karena ringkasan profil bisa menggambarkan kamu secara singkat.

Umumnya ringkasan profil hanya 1 paragraf, nah dengan 1 paragraf itu lah kita maksimalkan untuk menggambarkan diri kita sebaik mungkin. Bisa jadi pada ringkasan profil kamu menggambarkan pengalaman magang, pekerjaan, kualifikasi hingga karakter kamu. Yuk kita ulas 4 contoh menulis ringkasan profil yang menarik.

Mission-based Summary

Ringkasan profil secara lebih jelas apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan dan lebih baik jika spesifik.

“Every brand has stories to tell—stories that will not only engage, inform, surprise, delight, and impact their audience, but that will also deliver on measurable business goals. And I am the conduit between brand and consumer.

I help clients find the subject and medium that best fits their unique identity, and then I produce high-quality content that meets their objectives.

Currently, I am a content strategist at Alliance Media, where I’ve collaborated with companies such as Tiffany & Co.,Burger King, and Netflix.

My specialties include digital media, consumer behavior, brand awareness, and omni-channel marketing campaigns.”

Personality Summary

Mulakan profil kamu dengan anekdot yang menggambarkan satu atau dua karakter yang kamu miliki. Profil jenis ini sangat sesuai untuk kalian yang lebih ingin menonjolkan soft skill.

“When I was 21, I climbed Mount Everest. Not metaphorically—I literally climbed the highest mountain on Earth.

While I was hiking, I thought about quitting approximately 5,000 times. (And that’s a lowball estimate.) But despite the high winds, low altitude, mental and physical fatigue, and trail mix overdose, I kept going. I’m that person. Once I
say I’ll do something, it will happen.

Now, I put that perseverance to work as a senior account manager for Polar. I don’t have to climb any mountains…but I do have to move them.

I’m well-versed in negotiations, planning and development, relationship management, operations, and logistics coordination and scheduling.

If you’re interested in grabbing coffee and talking shop (or to hear how I almost fell off the mountain at 27K feet),
please send an email my way.”

Short and Sweet Summary

Profil seperti ini akan berisikan posisi kamu sekarang dan yang lalu serta apa saja kemampuan yang kamu miliki. Hal ini juga akan sangat berguna untuk para job hunter menemukan kamu. Karena dengan kata kunci yang kamu tuliskan di profil ini, akan memudahkan mereka menemukanmu

“I have over 15 years of experience working in data science. Currently, I work as Asana’s Senior Data Manager, improving products and services for our customers by using advanced analytics, standing up big-data analytical tools,
creating and maintaining models, and onboarding compelling new data sets.

Previously, I was the Chief Data Scientist at Guru, where I analyzed data from some of the biggest enterprise and networks in the world to educate the market on long-term internet trends.

Competencies: data science, machine learning, cloud computing, Hadoop, Python/Java/R, network protocols”

The Blended Summary

Profil ini menggabungkan antara kepribadian dan tujuan yang ingin kamu tonjolkan. Untuk Blended Summary, lebih sesuai untuk kalian yang bekerja di industri kreatif atau kalian yang banyak berkomunikasi dengan orang lain seperti agen penjualan, manajer atau HRD

“I’m a talent acquisition specialist with an interest in building the most effective workforces possible. For over 20 years, I’ve been helping businesses find their perfect hires. I also do consulting on compensation and benefits, new hire processes, and company culture.

When I’m not on the job, I love hiking with my dog, working my way through every recipe in the family cookbook, and indulging my love for seeing new places.

If you’d like to learn more about how my services can help your company, please reach out via email (johndoe@ngerangkum.com).”

(Referensi maukerja.id)

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